Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Hello everydoggy! Just wanted to update you on my "almost" little brother - Cujo. Here he is with me in our matching jumpers:

When mummy brought him home she explained I needed to be nice and share - I said that was easy peasy and decided to be nice and play with him. Cujo lurved playing ...tug-of-war, bitey bitey face, chaseys etc. I was being nice and teaching him my rules of the house :-) Mummy said I was such a good little girl :-)
Then I got to the "sharing" bit.

Mummy said that 3 beds for one dog was too much so I had to share and give Cujo one of my baskets - so I said ok.... then she said:
Puiq share your toys please - so I said ok.....then she said:
Puiq share the couch please - so I said ok.... then she said:
Puiq share mummy please - and I screamed NO!!! This wasn't part of the deal! Ohmidog...maybe it was and I missed it in the fine print!......Mummy is all mine! not Cujo's. He's just there to play with me.... isn't he??

I was so upset that thankfully mummy took pity on me and took Cujo back to the Rescue lady who was so happy to see Cujo- she's such a nice lady to rescue me from sharing my mummy.

Cujo was kinda cute though wasn't he? Here's a picture of him sleeping and I'd like to point out that's my couch and my teddybear that he's got in this picture - How could you call me possessive hey?? :-) Ciao for now!

Monday, 11 February 2008

Hello everydoggy and Happy New Year to you all! I have been away on vacation for sooo long! Mummy and daddy went somewhere called "ovaseys" (that's our aussie accent) and they were gone for so long. I was a bit teary at first but grandma and grandad were so much fun to be with that I forgot to be sad. Their house is much more exciting than mine. I had fun going on walks, my hooman cousins visited a lot and we played chasey and tug-of-war. Now mummy's back - hooray! Daddy's back soon too - I can't wait! And guess what??? Mummy's told me that she might have found a baby brother for me!! I can't wait to meet him - she says I can name him...I'll keep you all posted. Ciao!

PS. Let's all say a prayer to the big DoG tonite for Baby's safe return....
PPS. Mummy says I've got a bit "porky" since my holiday - I can't believe she's calling me a pig! Just cause I put on 300gr!! She's cracked the whip and I'm on a diet now....